Case Studies for UX/UI Design

Custom UX/UI design projects created by Buildable.

Hypertension Healthcare Portal

How we built a web application that visualizes insights for hypertension treatment.

Heart Failure Treatment App

How we built a mobile app that helps heart failure patients navigate their treatment

Book Discovery App

How we built a mobile app that helps book readers find new titles to love.

Land Investment Platform

How we built an all-in-one tool to improve the business strategy of land investors

CatholicTV Streaming Platform

How we built a video streaming platform that serves millions of simultaneous global visitors.

Healthcare Provider Portal

This project is both an internal portal and customer-facing provider portal for an international laboratory testing company. As this company was experiencing exponential growth, it had outgrown its legacy ...

Insurance Benefits Administration

After years of failed attempts to retrofit many different commercial-off-the-shelf insurance benefits systems, Buildable is creating a custom solution to precisely fit the specific needs of CityCounty ...

Priest and Parish Survey Collection

This project is an internal portal and customer-facing portal for a religious non-profit organization that collects priest surveys, compile visual results and provides guidance to religious leaders.

Pay Equity Application for Employers - Parity Software

Parity Software is an application built to help employers and human resources departments comply with pay equity laws.

Custom Web App for Manufacturing and Logistics Company

This project began as a project rescue and evolved into developing comprehensive solutions for an export company. The new system unifies quoting, ordering, shipping, delivering, dispatching, and invoicing ...

Enterprise Risk Management

Oregon’s cities and counties and Virginia’s government association for risk-sharing combined efforts to create an Enterprise Risk Management system to gather data and help walk their constituents ...

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